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Case Study


Machine Specification System

A comprehensive Machine Specification System comprising of all machine specs across all divisions and sub divisions.
User can view the documents and give his comments and feedback on that document and also ask for queries.

Kaizen Management System

Xion has developed a comprehensive kaizen management system for subros. This is a workflow based system capturing all the kaizens. The system also identified kaizen of the month and kaizen of the year.

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Quality System

Xion had developed a complete work flow based software for quality department at subros. Data is indexed and categorized according to plants vehicle, customers and sorting can be done on defect type, type of complaints, source of complaint and defect cause category.

Product Defect Solutions

Xion had developed and maintained a Product defect solutions for subros.

Heat Load Calculation Software

Xion had developed heat load calculation software for subros R&D department, for both cars and bus air conditionors.

Internal Job Posting Module

Xion had developed and module internal job posting module at subros. This is a fully automated application for internal and external job posting, tracking, employee referrals with complete work flow, alerts, and MIS.

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